The Year 2 team

Mrs A. Driver
Class Teacher 2D

Mrs A. King
Class Teacher 2Y


Ms K. Perks

If your child is unable to attend school for an extended period of time, please call the office on 0121 675 3573 and arrange a telephone meeting with Mrs Driver (2D), Mrs King (2K) to discuss your child’s learning.

Topics and learning overviews


During this topic, the children will be scientists! They will be conducting investigations into the uses and properties of everyday materials.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser

OUR TOPIC IS Everyday Materials

During this topic, the children will be scientists! They will be conducting investigations into the uses and properties of everyday materials.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser

OUR TOPIC IS Journey to the Past

During this half term we are studying Queen Elizabeth I and the beginning of the English Empire building. We will then compare this to Queen Victoria’s reign and the changes in the British Empire.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser

OUR TOPIC IS Let’s Go On A Journey

Throughout this topic the children are going to learn the 5 oceans and 7 continents of the world. We will also be looking at compass directions and comparing the UK to another country.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser

OUR TOPIC IS Travel and transport

This is a history unit, and as such, we will be looking at how different methods of transport have evolved and how this has impacted on the world we live in. We will be paying particular attention to canal transport, trains, cars and aeroplanes in line with the children’s experiences.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser


In this unit we will explore different species of animals through their habitats, their basic needs in order to survive and develop an understanding of simple food chains.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser

Our virtual school remains open so you can view learning from last year – you can see all of the previous lessons for all of the year groups. The materials found on the virtual school pages may be used by any child for additional learning if pupils are keen to extend their learning at home, or as extra support. If pupils are unable to attend school due to prolonged illness or isolation, please arrange to talk to us and we will direct you to relevant virtual learning.

Virtual School

Current Term

Good To Be Me

In this unit, we will be learning about what it means to keep fit, both mentally and physically – and how exercise, rest and diet are important in this.


For this term we will be writing in different genres including writing up an investigation we have carried out in science. We will be continuing to look at the use of adjectives and conjunctions in our sentences and also beginning to use the possessive apostrophe.


Those children on Read Write Inc will continue to learn to decode and blend. The rest of the children will continue with activities to help the fluency of their read and to read for meaning.


In preparation for Year 3, the children will return to number activities and work on the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to embed and secure their understanding. In particular, we will be concentrating on problem solving.


Physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others.

This term we are practising our athletics skills which will be applied in activities in Sports Day. We are also revisiting skills involved in most invasion games ready for Year 3.

We are lucky to have Warwickshire Cricket Board delivering our cricket on Thursdays.


2D will be doing PE on Wednesday and Friday. Please could you ensure that you child has their PE kit with them on these days. It would be extremely useful if children could bring in a pair of gym pumps and a pair of trainers. During the cold weather, please provide warm clothing for lessons outside.

Please could you ensure that your child’s PE kit is labelled with their name and class.


2K will be doing PE on Wednesday and Friday. Please could you ensure that you child has their PE kit with them on these days. It would be extremely useful if children could bring in a pair of gym pumps and a pair of trainers. During the cold weather, please provide warm clothing for lessons outside.

Please could you ensure that your child’s PE kit is labelled with their name and class.

Learning diaries and
keeping in touch

You will be expected to record reading in your child’s diary. This is a fantastic resource for the children to use, but also key for parent and teacher communication. Please read with your child, at least 3 times per week and record this in their diary with further comments.

Additional Information

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