The Reception team

Miss R. Langford
Class Teacher RL

Mrs D. Bridges
Class Teacher RB

Mrs J. White
Class Teacher

MS M. Best

Mrs N. McDade


If your child is unable to attend school for an extended period of time, please call the office on 0121 675 3573 and arrange a telephone meeting with Miss Langford (RL), Mrs Bridges (RB) to discuss your child’s learning.


OUR TOPIC IS: Big Wide World

This half term, the children will be learning all about different countries. They will be comparing life in different countries to life in the UK. They will also be completing some wonderful art and Design Technology projects linked to art work in Mexico.

OUR TOPIC IS: Sunshine and Sunflowers

This half term, the children will learn all about plants and growing, They will be able to name the parts of a plant using the correct vocabulary and they will plant their own sunflower seeds. We will go on plant and minibeast hunts and try to find signs of summer!

Knowledge organiser

OUR TOPIC IS: Will You Read Me a Story?

Welcome to the magical world of fairy tales! Let’s find out more about our favourite stories and discover some new ones.
This half term, we’ll play imaginatively with a model castle and small world characters and explore different castles and who lives in them. We’ll look at different character types, and decide whether our favourite characters are ‘goodies’ or ‘baddies’, linking music to these different characters. Using different materials and ways of joining, we will create costumes for our fairy tale characters and talk about how certain characters’ clothes (such as princes and princesses) have changed over time. We’ll read lots of stories and look at the ingredients that go into a fantastic fairy tale, and we will even be visiting Warwick Castle!

Knowledge organiser

OUR TOPIC IS: Prehistoric Time

This half term, the children will be learning about different festivals celebrated at this time of year. We will begin the half term, learning all about Diwali and why this is an important celebration for Hindus. We will also learn about Christmas and how this time of year is celebrated by Christians. Throughout this topic, we will also be observing and talking about the changes in the environment as we move from autumn to winter.

Knowledge organiser

OUR TOPIC IS: Festivals!

This half term, the children will be learning about different festivals celebrated at this time of year. We will begin the half term, learning all about Diwali and why this is an important celebration for Hindus. We will also learn about Christmas and how this time of year is celebrated by Christians. Throughout this topic, we will also be observing and talking about the changes in the environment as we move from autumn to winter.

Knowledge organiser

OUR TOPIC IS: Marvellous Me

Our topic this half term, focuses on celebrating the ways in which we are different to others. We will find out that we are all unique and special. The children will have a chance to tell us all about their families and we will be exploring who can help us in the local community.

Knowledge organiser

Our virtual school remains open so you can view learning from last year – you can see all of the previous lessons for all of the year groups. The materials found on the virtual school pages may be used by any child for additional learning if pupils are keen to extend their learning at home, or as extra support. If pupils are unable to attend school due to prolonged illness or isolation, please arrange to talk to us and we will direct you to relevant virtual learning.

Virtual School

Current Term

OUR TOPIC IS: Big Wide World

This half term, the children will be learning all about different countries. They will be comparing life in different countries to life in the UK. They will also be completing some wonderful art and Design Technology projects linked to art work in Mexico.


Our writing lessons this half term, will focus on spelling longer words with accuracy. The children will be using capital letters at the beginning of their sentences and writing with more independence.


Your child will continue to have a daily phonics lesson focusing on reading words and sentences with increased fluency. They will also be working on their comprehension skills during our whole class reading sessions. We will be asking the children lots of questions about the books that we read together!


Our maths lessons will focus on consolidating previously learnt skills. We will do a lot of work on re-calling odd and even number automatically. We will also challenge the children to solve simple addition and subtraction problems in their head.


Physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others.

Reception Classes

PE will continue to be on Wednesdays and Thursdays so please ensure your child has their correct PE kit in school, including their PE t-shirt, shorts and pumps. Your child will need to be able to get themselves changed into their PE kit so please allow your child to practise this at home. It would be extremely useful if children could bring in a pair of gym pumps and a pair of trainers. During the cold weather, please provide warm clothing for lessons outside.

Learning diaries and
keeping in touch

You will be expected to record reading in your child’s diary. This is a fantastic resource for the children to use, but also key for parent and teacher communication. Please read with your child, at least 3 times per week and record this in their diary with further comments.

Additional Information

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